Judicial Branch
The Gila River Indian Community Court was established by the Gila River Indian Community Constitution and Bylaws on March 17, 1960. The Community's main court, the Akimel O'otham Loditha Kud Ki (River People's Court Building), is located in Sacaton, Arizona. There is a second court office located in the west end of the Gila River Indian Community, the Westend Judicial Center provides court services to Districts 6 & 7, in Laveen, Arizona.
The Community Court provides services to approximately 20,000 members of the Akimel O'otham (Pima) and Pee-Posh (Maricopa) tribes. The Court is a full service court, exercising jurisdiction to the full extend available under federal law. Services include case filings of criminal, civil, traffic, juvenile matters and appellate matters. Other services the Court provides are the issuance of orders of protection, marriage licenses, livestock ownership, and mental health treatment orders. The Court uses a computerized case management system called “Full Court”, the system has the capability to manage every aspect of a case’s progression through the court. The Community Court currently has a 58-member staff. The Chief Judge and 5 Associate Judges are elected into office by the people of the Gila River Indian Community and serve 3-year terms. The 2 Children’s Court Judges are appointed by the Tribal Council and serve 4-year terms.
Current Tribal Court Judges:
Anthony Hill, Chief Judge
Sheri Cassa, Associate Judge
Charles Aragon, Associate Judge
Darren Pedro-Martinez, Associate Judge
Brianna Rhodes, Associate Judge
Gwendolyn Morago, Associate Judge
Kami D Hart, Children’s Court Judge
George Soltero, Judge Pro Tempore
Sunshine Manual, Judge Pro Tempore
Currently, the Probation Department is under the Community Court and provides services to all persons, juvenile and adult, ordered by the court to probation. The Probation Department monitors probationers through office appointments and home visits.
Under the Probation Department, a Diversion Program was created which provides education, program services information, and community & cultural awareness to juveniles. The Diversion Program consists of the Drug Court, the Teen Court, Group Education meetings, Peer Mentoring, Community Services and the Truancy Teen Court.
Court Administrative Orders
- New Firearms Ordinance
- Marijuana Ordinance
- In-person, telephonic or virtual participation in court hearings
- Honorable Donna Kisto-Jones (Administrative Order No. 2022-006)
- Adoption of Standard Procedures for Officer Qualifications and Use of Electronic Control Devices (Tasers) (Administrative Order No. 2022-05)
- Suspend In-Person Hearings During COVID, 75% Work Force Reduction, Quarantined Defendants (Administrative Order No. 2022-04)
Commutation of Sentence Hearings for 2022 (Administrative Order No. 2022-03) 1/25/22
Suspension of Certain Court Hearings Rev.’d (Administrative Order No. 2022-02) 1/25/22
Suspension of Certain In-Person Court Hearings (Administrative Order No. 2022-01) 1/25/22
- Commutation of Sentence (Administrative Order No. 2021-01)
- Suspension of Jury Trials (Administrative Order No. 2021-05) Sept. 2021 (Administrative Order No. 2021-02)
- Court Operations During A Public Health Emergency (Administrative Order No. 2021-03)
- Appointment of Judge Pro Tempore (Administrative Order No. 2021-004)
- Suspension of Jury Trials (Administrative Order No. 2021-05) Oct. 2021
- Bench Warrant Clearance Initiative Procedures (Administrative Order No. 2021-06)
Court Forms
Attorney-Advocate Forms:
Children's Court Forms:
Civil Court Forms:
- Application for Exclusion
- Civil Answer
- Civil Complaint for Monies Owed
- Petition for Name Change for Adult
- Petition for Probate
Criminal Forms:
- Bench Warrant Clearance
- Bench Warrant Clearance Initative Instructions
- Defendant's Rights
- Motion for Commutation of Sentence
Family Forms:
- Application for Marriage License
- Marriage License
- Petition for Appointment for Guardianship of an Adult
- Petition for Appointment of Administrator
- Petition for Dissolution of Marriage
- Petition for Paternity
General Forms:
- Attorney Advocate Complaint
- Court Filing Fees
- Employee Staff Complaint
- Judicial Complaint
- Motion (General)
- Notice of Appeal
- Notice of Change of Address or Name
- Process Service Information
- Request for Court Record (with fee schedule)
- Request for Court Record
- Request for Payment Plan or Extension of Time to Pay
- Jury Excuse
- Blank Questionnaire
- W-9 Form (Mar. 2024)
Protection Forms:
Court schedule
Notice for upcoming court hearings - January 2022
Sacaton court
- Monday through Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm, closing at 4:00 pm on Thursdays for disinfecting.
Westend Court
- Westend Judicial Center will be open Monday through Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm, closing at 3:00 pm on Thursdays for disinfecting
Contact Persons:
Starsha Bermudes – 520-562-9860 x9924
Geraldine Wilson – 520-562-9860 x9950
Joanne Perry - 520-562-9860 x9912
Gila River Indian Community Court
Sacaton Court
721 W. Seed Farm Rd.
P.O. Box 368
Sacaton, Arizona 85147
Phone: (520) 562-9860
Fax: (520) 562-9867 (Court)
Fax: (520) 562-9868 (Probation Office)